The Jousting Life

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Invitation to Joust in Russia

I've recently received information that a tournament in Russia is looking for experienced jousters for their historical festival, "Times & Epochs". You can find out more about the festival on this Facebook page:

Stefan Peetersvandenboschd'olbrecht, a member of "The Jousting Life" Facebook group, posted the following information about the event:

4 hours ago
Dear Stefan!
June 21-23, 2013, in the capital of Russia, in Moscow, in the historic park Kolomenskoye, will joust XV century. Moscow government gives money to spend the best historical event in the world! The main theme - equestrian joust. Main actors: Knights with heralds, squires and servants. Payable trip, maybe transport horses. In Moscow: ladies, food, wood for the historic camp. Arrival is possible from June 20. Joust be brutal. Therefore, the Knights should be experienced, and armor - complete. Please notify this tournament for familiar Knights! Questions - to me. I wil tell details and how to send request.

Is from a good friend Bogdanov Andrey

Russian website for the event (You can click on Google translate to get an English translation of the site.)

Email for the event

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