A humorous photo from Joust Fest Texas, which recently held a competitive jousting tournament near Houston, Texas, USA, to benefit SIRE Therapeutic Horsemanship. The photo features jouster and tournament organizer Steve Hemphill on his Frisian cross jousting horse and a SIRE volunteer leading a child on a pony.

Jouster Steve Hemphill on his Frisian cross jousting horse faces off against a child on a pony
(photo from Joust Fest Texas)
Related articles:
What is Jousting?
Jousters 'Do Something Noble' to Help Goodwill Industries
TV News Coverage of Pin Oak Charity Horse Show Including the Jousters of "Opening 'Knight' of Pin Oak"

Jouster Steve Hemphill on his Frisian cross jousting horse faces off against a child on a pony
(photo from Joust Fest Texas)
Related articles:
What is Jousting?
Jousters 'Do Something Noble' to Help Goodwill Industries
TV News Coverage of Pin Oak Charity Horse Show Including the Jousters of "Opening 'Knight' of Pin Oak"
This is such an amazing activity to do for fun and I think not even animals but also the human beings can participate in this great game. I am impressed with your idea.